Category: <span>General Dentistry</span>

Home General Dentistry
Do I Need to Get My Cavity Filled?

Do I Need to Get My Cavity Filled?

If you suspect you have a cavity, our article I Think I Have a Cavity – What Now? explains some of the symptoms. If you already know you have a cavity, your next question might be “Do I Need to Get My Cavity Filled?” Most people would like to avoid getting a cavity filled. But...

How Painful is it to Get a Cavity Filled?

How Painful is it to Get a Cavity Filled?

Cavities are one of the most common dental issues; in fact, they’re one of the most common health problems in general, worldwide. If you have a cavity, you may be worried about pain or discomfort associated with getting it filled. But there’s good news—with today’s advances in dental procedures, you will be able to get...

Cavity Filling: What to Expect When Having Cavities Filled

Cavity Filling: What to Expect When Having Cavities Filled

If your dentist says you have one or more cavities, you will need to have them filled. The process of cavity filling, or tooth filling, prevents the cavity from becoming worse and helps to protect your teeth from further decay. Cavities themselves are holes in your teeth caused by bacteria. Getting cavities filled is more...