Category: <span>Fillings</span>

Home Fillings
How to Deal with a Tooth Filling that Has Fallen Out

How to Deal with a Tooth Filling that Has Fallen Out

Tooth fillings are common in adults. According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, an adult aged 20-34 has about 5 fillings in their teeth and this number only increases with age. Considering that fillings have a limited lifespan, it’s not surprising that at some point in their lives, some people will have...

Your Tooth Broke in Half—Now What?

Your Tooth Broke in Half—Now What?

Imagine you’re enjoying your favorite snack, and suddenly, you feel a sharp crack in your mouth. You spit out the food and, to your horror, discover that your tooth has broken in half. This situation can be scary and painful, but don’t worry—there are steps you can take to handle it. Whether it’s a broken...

How Long Should a Cavity Filling Be Sensitive?

How Long Should a Cavity Filling Be Sensitive?

In almost all cases, a dental filling is the best solution for a cavity caused by tooth decay. Once the procedure is done, patients are often surprised to still have some sensitivity. This is normal, and most sensitivity is gone within a day or two, or up to two weeks for deeper fillings. If sensitivity...

What Does a Cavity Look Like?

What Does a Cavity Look Like?

If you haven’t been to the dentist lately, tooth decay could be settling in, even if your teeth are not sensitive or causing you discomfort. Knowing what a cavity looks like can help you determine if it’s time to schedule a dentist appointment. What Is a Cavity? A cavity is a hole or hollow area...

How Much Does it Cost to Get a Cavity Filled?

How Much Does it Cost to Get a Cavity Filled?

Post updated from original publishing date January 14, 2018. The Cost of Getting a Cavity Filled: Average Prices by Filling Material If you have  a dental cavity, chances are you have questions. And your biggest question may be “How much does it cost to get a cavity filled?” The short answer is: It depends on...

How Long Do Dental Fillings Last?

How Long Do Dental Fillings Last?

The expense, time investment, and discomfort associated with getting a filling will have you wondering how long your dental fillings last. No one wishes to revisit the dentist’s chair sooner than necessary. By carefully selecting the right type of filling from the start and practicing good dental hygiene, you can significantly extend the life of...

Does Filling a Cavity Hurt?

Does Filling a Cavity Hurt?

Filling a cavity is one of the most common procedures in a restorative dental office. It’s also something that many patients worry will hurt. The good news is that decades of advances in technology and methods have helped dentists improve the filling process, making it as easy and comfortable as possible for the patient. Still,...

What is a Composite Dental Filling?

What is a Composite Dental Filling?

When the dentist finds a cavity and recommends a filling, the patient will probably have some questions. What will the filling look like? How much will it cost? The answer to these questions depends on the type of material used in the filling, and for that there are a few options.  Amalgam fillings, which are...

Can You Fix a Cavity at Home?

Can You Fix a Cavity at Home?

It might start with a slight twinge when eating something cold or an outright toothache. Maybe a tooth has some spotting or an obvious hole. When someone first suspects a cavity, what comes next? Can the cavity be fixed at home? Unfortunately, the answer is “no.” Dental cavities are serious issues that require attention from...