Category: <span>General Dentistry</span>

Home General Dentistry
Types of Dental X-Rays and Why You Need Them

Types of Dental X-Rays and Why You Need Them

Good dental health should include regular visits to the dentist. In addition to a thorough examination of the mouth and teeth during these appointments, the dentist will sometimes order x-rays. A dental x-ray is the common term for a dental radiograph. It is one of the dentist’s most important diagnostic tools, giving him or her...

What Can You Do to Replace a Lost Tooth?

What Can You Do to Replace a Lost Tooth?

Dentists are dedicated to saving teeth, but sometimes their patients still lose them. Accidents or other injuries may knock teeth out or break them off. Or, they may be extracted by a dentist when cavities are ignored and tooth decay has destroyed them. Luckily, there are choices of what you can do to replace a...

5 Ways Your Parents Mislead You About Your Teeth

5 Ways Your Parents Mislead You About Your Teeth

Parents usually mean well, especially when it comes to our health. But sometimes, they just didn’t know any better. Many dental patients end up following dental advice from their parents for decades, not realizing that the information has been debunked or disproved since the time they were kids. Recently, the Dental Health Society went around...

Would You Recommend Your Dentist to Other Families?

Would You Recommend Your Dentist to Other Families?

It’s a simple question: Would you recommend your dentist to other families? If the answer is a “no,” or the question makes you hesitate, it probably means that you are not getting the level of service you want from your dental healthcare provider. On the other hand, if the answer is “yes,” ask yourself: Have...

Do I Need to Get My Cavity Filled?

Do I Need to Get My Cavity Filled?

If you suspect you have a cavity, our article I Think I Have a Cavity – What Now? explains some of the symptoms. If you already know you have a cavity, your next question might be “Do I Need to Get My Cavity Filled?” Most people would like to avoid getting a cavity filled. But...