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Are Dental Expenses Tax Deductible?

Are Dental Expenses Tax Deductible?

Dental expenses can be a big part of an individual’s or a family’s medical expenses.Dental procedures such as root canals, fillings and repairs, and braces can run into the hundreds and even thousands of dollars. It would be great if these procedures were all tax deductible, but this is not always the case. Many dental...

Braces on Small Teeth: Do They Work? What Do They Look Like?

Braces on Small Teeth: Do They Work? What Do They Look Like?

Even though there are other products available, sometimes traditional braces are still the best option to straighten teeth. Less visible products like Invisalign are not for everyone because they do not always use enough force to move seriously crooked teeth.  People with small teeth might have questions such as “Do braces work on small teeth?”...

How to Stop Teeth Grinding While Asleep

How to Stop Teeth Grinding While Asleep

Teeth grinding at night, known as sleep bruxism, affects roughly 13% of adults. While it is not serious, continuous clenching of the jaw while grinding can cause headaches, disruption of sleep, jaw pain, and dental health issues.  Once a patient identifies the cause of their teeth grinding, they can take the proper steps to stop...

Does SmileDirectClub Work? Dentists Weigh In

Does SmileDirectClub Work? Dentists Weigh In

Clear plastic teeth aligners hit the market in 1997. They quickly became a popular alternative to traditional metal braces. Invisalign, created by Align Technology, was the first (and for a long time, the only) option. Over the years, more products emerged under different brand names and with different sales models. One of the most prominent...

Which Dental Fillings Are the Safest?

Which Dental Fillings Are the Safest?

It is natural for people to have questions about any substance that is put into their body, and dental fillings are no exception. Some publications have raised concerns about the materials used in some fillings. Is there any cause for concern? And if so, which dental fillings are safest? The most recent research indicates that...

Is There a Link Between UV Light Teeth Whitening and Cancer?

Is There a Link Between UV Light Teeth Whitening and Cancer?

Teeth whitening at the dentist, or even with some at-home kits, is often a two-part process. Along with a bleaching agent that is applied to the teeth, an instrument called a curing light is moved over the teeth to help activate the chemicals. Because some curing lights use UV technology (others are halogen or LED),...

Dental Care for Veterans: Some Options and Steps to Take

Dental Care for Veterans: Some Options and Steps to Take

There is currently a bill making its way through Congress that would require the United States Department of Veterans Affairs to provide dental care for veterans in the same way it provides medical care. Currently, there are about 9.3 million veterans getting VA health care, but only 1.35 million meet the requirements for dental care....

Can Dental Cleaning Damage Teeth? Busting the Myths

Can Dental Cleaning Damage Teeth? Busting the Myths

Along with regular brushing and flossing, professional dental cleanings play an important part in keeping teeth healthy. Some people avoid getting their teeth cleaned at the dentist because they think it will not only be painful, but might actually harm their teeth.  If it’s been a long time since the last cleaning, it is true...

Moving and Changing Dentists

Moving and Changing Dentists

Moving to a new town comes with a long to-do list. Along with enrolling the kids in school and finding the nearest grocery store, you’ll also need to find a new dentist.  Choosing the best dentist for you and your family is important, but it doesn’t have to be an ordeal. Changing dentists can be...