Dentists suggest that patients have their teeth cleaned by a dental hygienist twice a year to remove plaque that can...

Risks That Come with Wisdom Tooth Extraction
Wisdom teeth begin to affect teenagers as early as 16, although many adults don’t experience complications until their early twenties....

What Causes a Tooth to Abscess?
When harmful bacteria cause an infection in a tooth or in the gums, there is a chance that an abscess...

Do Cavities Hurt? What Happens, and Why They Should Get Filled
Most people think that toothaches and cavities go together. While they often do, some cavities hurt very little or not...

What to Do When Permanent Teeth are Coming in Crooked
Kids start to lose their baby teeth around the age of 5. The last ones fall out by about age...

Sending Family Christmas Cards with a Photo This Year? Consider Teeth Whitening
If you are sending out Holiday Greetings this year, you’re in good company: In the U.S. alone, Americans send out...

See a Dentist Immediately for These Top 8 Dental Emergencies
Emergencies, by definition, are unexpected events. Dental emergencies are no different. Even people who take good care of their oral...

Can Adults Get Dental Sealants?
Dental sealants are a safe and effective way to prevent cavities for kids. But are they just for kids? After...

Why Crown a Tooth After a Root Canal?
Most people assume that they have no choice but to get a crown after a root canal. But patients who...

Keeping Invisalign Clean—How to Do it and Why It’s Important
People love the fact that Invisalign aligners are removable. It allows patients to eat whatever they want or just take...