Considering Invisalign? You might think that you need an orthodontist to get a course of Invisalign treatment. That’s not necessarily the case: Some dentists also specialize in offering Invisalign to their patients. So, when searching for Invisalign near you, you should look for professionals that are declared Invisalign specialists. In the end, their training and...
Category: <span>Invisalign</span>
22 Important and Surprising Dental Health Stats
Here at the Dental Health Society, we like to keep tabs on how we as a country are doing in terms of dental health—and on how well our dentists are doing to serve the general population. Dental health stats help. Luckily, a number of other organizations do this as well, including the Centers for Disease...
My Invisalign is Cracking! What Should I Do?
Did one of your Invisalign trays crack? Don’t panic–there are steps you can take to keep your treatment on track. Invisalign is an extremely popular method of correcting mild to moderate crowding, crookedness, and gaps. While they serve the same purpose as braces, their methods are different. Most notably, Invisalign uses a series of clear...
Are Invisalign and Clear Braces the Same Thing?
Years ago, the only choice to correct crooked teeth was metal braces. More recently, other orthodontic options have become available. Patients can now choose clear braces or other clear devices such as Invisalign. Transparent options are popular with teenagers and adults. They offer a less conspicuous method of straightening teeth than old-fashioned metal braces. Does...
How Long Before My Invisalign Starts Showing Results?
So you started with Invisalign? Congratulations! You are on your way to straighter teeth and a better smile. All that said, it’s natural to ask the question: “How long will it be before my Invisalign starts showing results?” (If you have not started yet, we recommend reading Invisalign Reviews: Is Invisalign Really Worth It? and...
Dental Issue: My Kid Does Not Have Enough Space for New Teeth
As kids grow up, they lose their smaller baby teeth and new adult teeth start to come in. Adult teeth are bigger than baby teeth, though, and sometimes little mouths just don’t have the room to accommodate those bigger teeth. This often happens when kids lose their teeth before their mouths grow enough, or when...
How Does Invisalign Work?
Many consumers come to us with questions about Invisalign clear braces. While most have to do with things like how much Invisalign costs or whether Invisalign can cause problems for eating or talking, some are simply about how Invisalign manages to move teeth as well as traditional braces. So just how does Invisalign work? From...
How Do You Straighten Crooked Teeth? What Works, and What to Avoid
Everyone wants a nice smile. Crooked teeth are often cited as one of the top things people hate most about their own bodies. But you don’t have to live with them. So how do you straighten crooked teeth? Dental science has given us a number of options for correcting crooked teeth. Sometimes what is needed...
Does Invisalign Cause Problems With Eating and Talking?
Updated September 27, 2021 If you are considering ways to upgrade your smile, you may be thinking about Invisalign. These devices are clear plastic aligners that fit over teeth. They are less noticeable, less permanent, and less invasive than traditional metal braces. People with traditional braces have to be careful about the food they eat....
Invisalign Reviews: Is Invisalign Really Worth It?
Getting any kind of orthodontic work is a big decision. You will be investing in yourself, and you will want to get your money’s worth. Some options, like Invisalign, tend to be more expensive than traditional braces, and so it is natural to ask: Is it worth it? What do the Invisalign reviews say? Reasons...