Category: <span>Family Dentist</span>

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How is Family Dentistry Different?

How is Family Dentistry Different?

Looking for a dentist for you and your family can have you feeling like Goldilocks. You might feel that pediatric dentists are too specific. And general dentists are too—well—general. A family dentist, on the other hand, might be just right for your situation. How is family dentistry different? Family dentists treat patients of any age...

3 Secret Links Between Motherhood, Pregnancy, and Oral Health Hidden in All That Dental Marketing

3 Secret Links Between Motherhood, Pregnancy, and Oral Health Hidden in All That Dental Marketing

There’s mountains of advice out there for expecting parents, and a lot of that information is either contradictory or has a clear conflict of interest. Some of our own consultants have mentioned how difficult it is for their patients to work through all the parenting advice out there. Advice on oral health tends to be...

Does My Kid Really Need to See a Dentist?

Does My Kid Really Need to See a Dentist?

When it comes to a child’s health, some parents may not place as much importance on their dental health as the health of rest of their growing bodies. But seeing a dentist is important for a child’s overall well-being. Whether they visit the same family dentist as their parents or a pediatric dentist, kids definitely...

Would You Recommend Your Dentist to Other Families?

Would You Recommend Your Dentist to Other Families?

It’s a simple question: Would you recommend your dentist to other families? If the answer is a “no,” or the question makes you hesitate, it probably means that you are not getting the level of service you want from your dental healthcare provider. On the other hand, if the answer is “yes,” ask yourself: Have...

“My Kids Don’t Brush Well. What Can I Do?”

“My Kids Don’t Brush Well. What Can I Do?”

Our dentists hear it all too often from parents: “My kids don’t brush well.” Or “My kids aren’t brushing as much as they should.” Sometimes, parents are just making excuses—but more often, they genuinely want to know what they can do to improve their kids’ oral health. Let’s face it, most kids hate brushing their...

Is There Such a Thing as “Just for Kids” Dental Service?

Is There Such a Thing as “Just for Kids” Dental Service?

All parents, new or experienced, want what is best for their kids. They often do a lot of research and take great care to find the right pediatrician. But many don’t think about their child’s dental care in the same way. Is there such a thing as “just for kids” dental service? There are pediatric...

Sealants Wearing Out? Is That a Thing?

Sealants Wearing Out? Is That a Thing?

Dental sealants (sometimes called tooth sealants) can be a great way to prevent tooth decay, especially in younger children. But the plastic used to make those sealants does not last forever. Over time, it does wear away. This leads many parents to ask: Are sealants wearing out normal? How long do dental sealants last, typically?...