Tag: <span>teeth grinding</span>

Home teeth grinding
How to Stop Teeth Grinding While Asleep

How to Stop Teeth Grinding While Asleep

Teeth grinding at night, known as sleep bruxism, affects roughly 13% of adults. While it is not serious, continuous clenching of the jaw while grinding can cause headaches, disruption of sleep, jaw pain, and dental health issues.  Once a patient identifies the cause of their teeth grinding, they can take the proper steps to stop...

7 Reasons Why Now is the Best Time to See the Dentist

7 Reasons Why Now is the Best Time to See the Dentist

There are plenty of reasons why some patients avoid the dentist, and we’ve heard them all. Anxiety about pain or dreading the cost are common concerns. So is simply failing to make time in a busy schedule. And the recent COVID-19 pandemic has added a new excuse to the list. No matter what is coming...