Tag: <span>sealants</span>

Home sealants
Symptoms of Cavities in Kids

Symptoms of Cavities in Kids

One CDC report estimates that one in five children between the ages of 5 and 11 have at least one untreated cavity. In fact, tooth decay is the most common chronic disease for children in that age group. Unfortunately, that means that most kids will get a cavity sooner or later. The good news is...

Does My Kid Really Need to See a Dentist?

Does My Kid Really Need to See a Dentist?

When it comes to a child’s health, some parents may not place as much importance on their dental health as the health of rest of their growing bodies. But seeing a dentist is important for a child’s overall well-being. Whether they visit the same family dentist as their parents or a pediatric dentist, kids definitely...

5 Ways Your Parents Mislead You About Your Teeth

5 Ways Your Parents Mislead You About Your Teeth

Parents usually mean well, especially when it comes to our health. But sometimes, they just didn’t know any better. Many dental patients end up following dental advice from their parents for decades, not realizing that the information has been debunked or disproved since the time they were kids. Recently, the Dental Health Society went around...

“My Kids Don’t Brush Well. What Can I Do?”

“My Kids Don’t Brush Well. What Can I Do?”

Our dentists hear it all too often from parents: “My kids don’t brush well.” Or “My kids aren’t brushing as much as they should.” Sometimes, parents are just making excuses—but more often, they genuinely want to know what they can do to improve their kids’ oral health. Let’s face it, most kids hate brushing their...

Is There Such a Thing as “Just for Kids” Dental Service?

Is There Such a Thing as “Just for Kids” Dental Service?

All parents, new or experienced, want what is best for their kids. They often do a lot of research and take great care to find the right pediatrician. But many don’t think about their child’s dental care in the same way. Is there such a thing as “just for kids” dental service? There are pediatric...

Sealants Wearing Out? Is That a Thing?

Sealants Wearing Out? Is That a Thing?

Dental sealants (sometimes called tooth sealants) can be a great way to prevent tooth decay, especially in younger children. But the plastic used to make those sealants does not last forever. Over time, it does wear away. This leads many parents to ask: Are sealants wearing out normal? How long do dental sealants last, typically?...

What are Sealants? Do My Kids Need Them?

What are Sealants? Do My Kids Need Them?

If you have school-age children, you may have heard other parents discussing sealants. Dental sealants are a popular method of keeping cavities at bay. Many of your kids’ classmates may have had their dentists apply them. What exactly are dental sealants, and do your children need them too? How Do Dental Sealants Work? A dentist...

The Pros and Cons of Dental Sealants

The Pros and Cons of Dental Sealants

If you or your child has visited a dentist recently, he or she might have recommended dental sealants. Dental sealants are accepted as a reliable way to prevent cavities caused by tooth decay. As with any procedure, you will need information to know if dental sealants are right for you or your child. This means...

Do Sealants Really Protect Your Teeth?

Do Sealants Really Protect Your Teeth?

You may have heard of a dental treatment called sealants— especially if you have taken a child to the dentist recently. But you might not know much about what they are, how they work, or whether sealants are really effective. Here, we’ll explain how and why this common dental treatment can help your child build...