Crowns are common after a root canal procedure. And people might assume a crown has totally fixed their infected tooth....

Does Dental Insurance Cover Veneers?
A beautiful smile can be yours, but it often comes with a hefty price tag. If you have dental insurance,...

Will Dental Implants Get Cheaper?
There’s no getting around it—dental implants are expensive, and they’re rarely covered by insurance. You might be wondering if you...

Are Dental Implants Safe?
A dental implant is often a great solution for a missing or damaged tooth. Many patients prefer them to old-fashioned...

Does Filling a Cavity Hurt?
Filling a cavity is one of the most common procedures in a restorative dental office. It’s also something that many...

How Long Do Dental Crowns Last?
When a patient finds out they need a dental crown, they typically want to know if it will hurt, how...

Do Chewies Really Help Invisalign?
As successful as Invisalign is at straightening teeth, the plastic aligner trays sometimes need a little help. For example, dentists...

Teledentistry is Here to Stay…But Don’t Give Up on Your Dentist Yet
Teledentistry uses the latest technology to help patients get the dental care they need, wherever they may live. Instead of...

16 Young Celebrities with Veneers
We all know celebrities with smiles that make heads turn. But what some people do not realize is that many...

New Dental Technology: Detecting Cavities With Diode Lasers
For more than 100 years dental radiographs, more commonly called x-rays, have been the primary method for detecting cavities. But...