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Will Dental Implants Get Cheaper?

Will Dental Implants Get Cheaper?

There’s no getting around it—dental implants are expensive, and they’re rarely covered by insurance. You might be wondering if you should bite the bullet and make the investment now—or will dental implants get cheaper if you wait? And if the price stays the same or even goes up, is there some other way to find...

Are Dental Implants Safe?

Are Dental Implants Safe?

A dental implant is often a great solution for a missing or damaged tooth. Many patients prefer them to old-fashioned dentures or bridgework. Implants consist of a metal post that is embedded directly into the jaw bone, topped with an artificial crown that looks and feels like the original tooth. Drilling a hole into your...

Does Filling a Cavity Hurt?

Does Filling a Cavity Hurt?

Filling a cavity is one of the most common procedures in a restorative dental office. It’s also something that many patients worry will hurt. The good news is that decades of advances in technology and methods have helped dentists improve the filling process, making it as easy and comfortable as possible for the patient. Still,...

Your Tooth Broke in Half—Now What?

Your Tooth Broke in Half—Now What?

Broke a tooth in half? It’s time to see a dentist. How quickly that needs to happen, and what the dentist will do about it, depend on the type and severity of the break. Here are the things to know and steps to take, for everything from a tiny dental fracture to a clean, complete...

How Long Do Dental Crowns Last?

How Long Do Dental Crowns Last?

When a patient finds out they need a dental crown, they typically want to know if it will hurt, how much it will cost, and what it will look like. Another important thing to consider is how long dental crowns last.  No one wants to go through the time and trouble of having to replace...

Do Chewies Really Help Invisalign?

Do Chewies Really Help Invisalign?

As successful as Invisalign is at straightening teeth, the plastic aligner trays sometimes need a little help. For example, dentists may place Invisalign attachments or buttons onto the teeth to provide leverage, giving the trays something to push against.  Another common accessory is called a dental aligner seater. These are small devices that help the...

16 Young Celebrities with Veneers

16 Young Celebrities with Veneers

We all know celebrities with smiles that make heads turn. But what some people do not realize is that many of those same celebrities have had help perfecting their stellar smiles.  Getting a perfect set of pearly whites can be a great investment in one of the first things people notice about you. But for...

New Dental Technology: Detecting Cavities With Diode Lasers

New Dental Technology: Detecting Cavities With Diode Lasers

For more than 100 years dental radiographs, more commonly called x-rays, have been the primary method for detecting cavities. But dentistry is evolving, with new technology appearing all the time. Now some dentists are adding diode lasers to the tools they use to diagnose tooth decay.   Diode lasers have been common for cosmetic dental procedures...

What Halloween Candy Can You Eat With Braces?

What Halloween Candy Can You Eat With Braces?

Is there anything more frightening than saying “no” to candy around Halloween? For kids with braces, that horror is all too real!  Braces wearers and their parents will be pleased to learn that not all sweet treats are off-limits. What Halloween candy can you eat with braces? It turns out that there are quite a...