If you have dental pain, it might mean you have pulpitis. Pulpitis is an infection inside the tooth and needs a dentist’s attention. There are ways you can manage the pain of pulpitis until you can make an appointment with a qualified dentist. Causes of Pulpitis Pulpitis gets its name from the part of the...
Author: Staff ( Staff)
Can Teeth Whitening Damage Teeth?
According to the global market and consumer data analysts at Statista, 40.5 million Americans used teeth whitening products in 2018. The quest for a brighter smile has been a multi-billion dollar industry for some time. If you’re considering having your teeth whitened, you probably have some questions. One of the most common questions that dentists...
How is Family Dentistry Different?
Looking for a dentist for you and your family can have you feeling like Goldilocks. You might feel that pediatric dentists are too specific. And general dentists are too—well—general. A family dentist, on the other hand, might be just right for your situation. How is family dentistry different? Family dentists treat patients of any age...
Smile Direct Club vs. Invisalign: Is There a Clear Winner?
In 1997, Align Technology disrupted the world of orthodontics with an alternative to braces. Their new product was Invisalign, a device that promised to straighten teeth without metal, or even clear plastic braces. Since then, other brands have introduced similar transparent teeth alignment trays. And now, Align Technology also produces trays for Smile Direct Club,...
Celebrate National Ice Cream Day Without Ruining Your Teeth
Following June’s designation as National Candy Month, it’s time to celebrate National Ice Cream Day on the third Sunday of July. (In fact, the entire month of July is National Ice Cream Month.) One might think that with all these sweets, August might be National Cavity Month. You’ll be happy to learn that there are...
Could Better Sleep Be As Simple As…Visiting Your Dentist?
We eat, breathe, and talk through our mouths. While most oral health issues focus on what we put in our mouths, dental health professionals are looking more and more into what happens to our daily routine when our mouths and throats are not working as well as they should. The quality of our sleep is...
How Do I Know if I Have Pulpitis? Symptoms and Risk Factors
While having a toothache is never any fun, dismissing it as “not that big of a deal” could be a big mistake. This is because the pain you are feeling could be a warning sign of pulpitis. What Is Pulpitis? Pulpitis occurs when a bacterial infection spreads to the pulp chamber of an infected tooth,...
When is a Root Canal Needed?
If you have pain while chewing, swollen gums, sensitivity to hot or cold, a chipped or broken tooth, or a cavity that you’ve ignored, the answer to “when is a root canal needed?” is most likely “Now!” Of course, a dentist or endodontist (a root canal specialist) will be the one to decide if it’s...
How Long Does a Root Canal Procedure Last?
When people ask how long a root canal procedure lasts, they can mean one of two things: First, how long does the root canal procedure itself take, and second, how long until they might need to have the procedure redone? The Root Canal Procedure A root canal procedure is necessary when the pulp at the...
20 Frequently Asked Questions About Novocaine, Answered
Anyone who has had an involved dental procedure has probably had a local anaesthetic. The most common of these is novocaine. Because dentists use novocaine so often, dental patients have a lot of questions about the drug and its use. It’s about time patients had their own easy-to-follow guide to novocaine. What is Novocaine, Exactly?...