The first Monday of October is observed as National Child Health Day in the United States. First established in 1928, the day is used to showcase the importance of preventing and treating childhood illnesses and injuries. Here at the Dental Health Society, we see National Child Health Day as the perfect opportunity to remind parents...
Author: Staff ( Staff)
“Does Invisalign have BPA?” Your Safety Concerns, Answered
For decades, the simplest solution for straightening teeth was braces. Fortunately, Invisalign provided another alternative for consumers, using a series of nontoxic, clear aligning trays to reposition crooked teeth and gradually move them back into their vertical position. However, despite its success, many current and prospective users are worried about potential BPA toxicity when they...
The Best Toothpaste to Use While Pregnant, and Other Dental Advice for Expectant Moms
There are probably few groups of people as inquisitive about healthy practices as expectant moms. They seek out information everywhere—including here at the Dental Health Society. One question we hear a lot is about what toothpaste to use when pregnant. Some are concerned about safety. Others find that brushing makes them nauseous. There are alternatives...
Getting Affordable Dental Crowns
If you have severe dental decay or a chipped or cracked tooth, your dentist might tell you you need a crown. One of the first questions that come to mind is how much a crown is going to cost. Unfortunately, it can be expensive. The price of a dental crown typically falls somewhere between $800...
What Customer Reviews Mean to a Dentist
These days, most people will check out one or more reviews on review sites before reaching out to a dentist’s office. The reason is simple: People want to get a feel for the dentist’s reputation, customer service, and professionalism, and they want an honest assessment, not one influenced by an advertising budget. Dentists, for their...
Help! My Kid Has a Mouth Full of Cavities!
The last thing a parent wants to hear at the dentist is that his or her kid has a bunch of cavities. Not only are fillings and additional expense, but most parents feel a certain amount of guilt when their children have cavities. In reality, cavities are common and can pop up in children and...
Making “National Tooth Fairy Day” a Positive and Healthy Experience for Kids
Believe it or not, today (August 22, 2019) is “National Tooth Fairy Day.” For many of us, the idea of the Tooth Fairy brings all sorts of pleasant memories. Who didn’t love waking up to some money left by a fairy who only wanted our baby tooth in return? For many kids, a visit from...
Tooth Replacement at Home: Is there a DIY Solution for a Lost Tooth?
A missing tooth can create problems with the alignment of your jaw and for the rest of your teeth as they gradually move to fill in the blank space. Lost teeth can also affect your speech or make it hard to bite and chew. But even more embarrassing is the social stigma that can come...
Dental Crowns: Issues and Concerns
Once you get a dental crown, you may think that your problem tooth is fixed forever. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case. Crowns can have issues that might require further dental work. When a tooth needs to be restored, a dental crown is often the best solution. The crown encases the damaged tooth, making it...
Are Dental Credit Cards a Good Idea?
One of the biggest obstacles to getting dental work done, outside of worries about pain and a general fear of the dentist, is the sheer cost of many dental procedures. Dental work can be expensive, and even those with a solid income might find that needed procedures easily surpass their budgets. So what is the...