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Does My Kid Need a Pediatric Dentist?

Does My Kid Need a Pediatric Dentist?

If your child is ready for their first visit to the dentist, or if they have a dental emergency, you may be wondering about the best type of professional to treat him or her. Is it necessary to take your kid to a pediatric dentist, or can you bring them to your current dentist?  Some...

A Piece of Tooth Fell Off! Is That an Emergency?

A Piece of Tooth Fell Off! Is That an Emergency?

Having a piece of a tooth break off and fall out is certainly startling. And if there is pain or blood involved, it is definitely considered a dental emergency. Even if it doesn’t hurt or bleed, a cracked tooth or chipped tooth should be seen by a dentist. The amount of urgency, however, depends on...

Dental Fillings and MRI—Is There a Concern?

Dental Fillings and MRI—Is There a Concern?

With more than 90% of adults suffering from cavities, fillings are the most common type of dental work performed by dentists. They are a safe and effective way to treat tooth decay. But if a doctor suggests an MRI of the head or neck, some people wonder if there are dangers with their metal fillings....

Clear Braces vs. Invisalign: Differences, Options, and Prices

Clear Braces vs. Invisalign: Differences, Options, and Prices

No one wants a crooked smile, but it’s sometimes hard to get clear, unbiased information about the many options for straightening teeth. Two of the more popular options for teeth straightening that people compare are clear braces vs. Invisalign. Sometimes, these two terms are used interchangeably. For our purposes, we use “clear braces” to mean...

Teledentistry: Seeing a “Virtual” Dentist While Under Quarantine

Teledentistry: Seeing a “Virtual” Dentist While Under Quarantine

Most dental offices have either closed or gone into “emergency only” status during COVID-19 quarantine. So, while it is possible to get emergency dental care in most places, patients might also want to consider “internet only” options for speaking with a dentist online for simple consultations (non-emergencies). This is what is called teledentistry. Teledentistry is...

Can Dental Crowns Be Whitened?

Can Dental Crowns Be Whitened?

No one wants spotty, stained, or tarnished teeth to stand in the way of a beaming smile. Many turn to teeth-whitening for help. But for someone who has had dental work such as crowns, it’s not always that easy. People eager to have their smiles back often ask, “Can dental crowns be whitened?” Dental crowns...

What Do Family Dentists Do? (And Are They Worth It?)

What Do Family Dentists Do? (And Are They Worth It?)

The difference between a general dentist and a family dentist is all in the name. Family dentists are equipped to take care of every member of a family. General dentists, on the other hand, may have restrictions that rule them out for certain family members.  Because of the wide range of people that it serves,...

Should I Cancel My Dentist Appointment Because of COVID-19 (Coronavirus)?

Should I Cancel My Dentist Appointment Because of COVID-19 (Coronavirus)?

We’ve been receiving a lot of questions about COVID-19 (coronavirus) recently, including questions about coronavirus isolation and dental appointments. In an effort to keep our readers safe and healthy, we wanted to provide some expert advice on these specific topics. Please visit the CDC page on coronavirus If you have specific questions about its symptoms...